
Flicky Turncoat DX

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How to play Flicky Turncoat DX?

Have a blast with Flicky Turncoat DX in a classic 16-bit game released for the Mega Drive console in 1991. The game follows Sonic's adventures to stop the evil Dr. Robotnik's plans for world domination as you try to free the animals he has imprisoned inside dangerous robots called "Badniks", while collecting golden rings and piles of magical emeralds known as Chaos Emeralds.

Control our blue friend carefully, avoid being killed by sharp spikes, avoid falling into bottomless pits and don't let huge walls and moving platforms crush you. If you dive underwater you'll be able to breathe thanks to small air bubbles released every so often through the air vents. Turn at full speed to annihilate your opponents and make it safely to the end of each screen. Good luck!

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